Jenny the Giraffe

Hello my name is ‘Jenny’ the giraffe. I was born at London Zoo on 12th March 2008 and I am one of the very few female mascots. I first arrived at Gander Green Lane in January 2009 where I received training for my new role and was fitted with my extra large, especially designed for a giraffe, Sutton United strip. My first official appearance was on 13th February 2009 when I was special guest at the Women and Girls football festival hosted at our match against Hastings.

I have become somewhat of a local celebrity appearing at school fetes and events all over the Borough. If you want to see me at your school fete or event why not ask your teacher to invite me.

I live in a secret location at Gander Green Lane where my Sponsors kindly provide me with my favourite food, acacia leaves flown in all the way from Africa and a nice warm bed, although Giraffes only sleep from between 10 minutes to 2 hours a day, less than any other animal.

Follow me on social media @jennythegiraffe on Twitter, @jennythegiraffesufc on TikTok