Our 2017/18 "Early Bird" Season Ticket Offer has been extended to 30th April, with sales already at an all-time high level.

We are delighted to announce that we have had a sensational response to the season ticket offer which was scheduled to expire at midnight last night ( Fri 31st Mar). With two hours still to go, the total stood at an amazing 1,035 sales and the club would like to thank all those fans who have bought a season ticket for their tremendous support.

The good news keeps on coming! On the back of such a strong start, as a thank you to our fans for their support, to give those yet to renew more time to do so, and to encourage more people to join the party, the club has decided to extend the current offer for one more month until Sunday 30th April. From 1 May onwards, the prices WILL definitely rise. 

Chairman Bruce Elliott enthused: " We are thrilled at the terrific response from the Sutton public to our current offer which has enabled our wonderful fans to be able to watch our equally wonderful team at such affordable prices. To have already sold well over one thousand season tickets for next season before the end of March is just brilliant."

The club is seeking to further increase its regular fanbase and has an ambitious target of 2,000 season ticket sales before 2017/18 starts in earnest. Bruce went on to say " This has been another magnificent season for everyone connected with Sutton United with average attendances topping 1,500 people, but we believe this team deserves to be watched by 2,000+ fans every home League game. We are very pleased to have attracted so many new season ticket holders already for next year and want to give all our existing supporters and new fans more time to take advantage of such a superb offer.

The launch date was put back a little later than intended in the aftermath of our fabulous FA Cup run and our very easy-to-use website booking system came on board a few days after that and is proving a very popular route to buy tickets. We want to make sure we give everyone the very best chance of coming to support the team at these prices next season. Target2000 has got off to an amazing start and we hope that extending the current offer to the end of April will enable us to get to that target sooner rather than later!"

2017/18 "early bird" season ticket prices: 

Existing Adult Season Ticket holders – £99

Existing Concessionary Season Ticket holders – £85

New Adult Season Ticket buyers – £125

New Concessionary Season Ticket buyers – £95

Teenagers – £20

Children – £10

These can be bought on line at www.suttonunited.net/season-tickets; on the phone on 0208 644 4440 or in person at the club office Tues – Fri mornings…or at any forthcoming home League game.

Our full 2017/18 pricing structure will kick-in on 1st May