A very jovial mood greeted the two Strikers are Key draws made in the aftermath of Sutton’s terrific comeback win against Gateshead yesterday.
In the first of those two draws, ball 48 came out of the purple velvet bag, owned by the syndicate “ Happipotimice”, comprising Richard Wilmott and Ann Hall. In their absence, club physio Cat tried to find the key to unlock the safe on their behalf, alas to no avail, winning Richard and Ann the £50 consolation prize in the process.
The safe’s contents were swelled to £800 following the afternoon’s goalscoring exploits, but proved no easier to crack in the second draw of the day. This time Gareth Miller, whose ball number 26, was the latest to emerge, also failed to choose the right key and he too had to make do with £50 bar spending money.
It all means that an absolute minimum of £1000 will be up for grabs in the 21st SAK draw of the season, to be made after the match v Havant in two weeks’ time. This draw will take place just after the Storeroom Shirt Auction of the current season shirt of club legend, Craig Dundas ( 506 appearances; 107 goals, an absolute Sutton United colossus) – sure to be a very popular lot!
Can’t wait
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